You might have spent lots of time and effort building great online learning courses for your members. That’s important. But that alone is not enough to drive revenue from your continuing education program.
You must also demonstrate the value of your online educational content. After all, if members and other learners don’t see the value your content provides, why would they buy it?
Here are three ways to demonstrate value and drive more revenue from your online learning program:
1. Articulate the value.
Showcase the value your learners will receive by clearly explaining content offerings in short, written descriptions or brief videos that can be viewed without purchasing anything. Most learning management systems offer an area for descriptions of courses that anyone can view. Take advantage of that and list all valuable aspects of your online learning program, such as:
- the number of possible credits earned
- certificates or badges
- special guest presentations
- related add-on courses
2. Offer more than a course catalog. Build a knowledge community.
Ideally, your online learning program should serve as a full-blown knowledge community that supports and integrates live and on-demand content in many forms. Be sure to incorporate social learning and peer-to-peer exchanges within your online e-learning platform to increase traffic and build a true knowledge community.
3. Integrate online learning initiatives with other organizational programs.
Foster learner loyalty by offering learning course discounts or assigning a pre-paid balance for online learning opportunities as a reward for various interactions with your organization, such as a membership renewal or participation in an onsite conference. This approach gets your online course offerings in front of more members and encourages them to become learners.
Learn more
With the right combination of strategy and technology you can deliver a top-notch online continuing education program that delivers great member value and drives non-dues revenue. Learn more tips and techniques for driving revenue from your online continuing education program. Watch 12 Proven Strategies to Monetize Content.